Sunday, September 20, 2015

Let's Focus on Raising the Bar

View from Hiltz and Queen of the development at 1327-1339 Queen East if the the OMB allows the developer to go ahead with a 26.3 metre building plus 3.8 metre mechanical penthouse, in violation of the City's Guidelines.

"We're one of the fastest growing cities in North America. Our Guidelines are not stopping development. In fact, one could argue, when you have that much growth you need to be more rigid in ensuring that you're getting really great outcomes because there's a risk that you will, in fact, get a lot of low quality product. And there are some that will argue that that has in fact happened because we've grown very quickly. Stuff slips through.

...there are some sites where its time has not yet come. And that's okay because we've got a lot of units approved in this city that have not yet been built. Let's actually focus on raising the bar and getting a better product."

—Jennifer Keesmaat, Chief Planner, City of Toronto,
Chief Planner Roundtable - Mid-Rise Buildings: Growing Toronto's Neighbourhoods (at 31:01)

Tim Kirkwood edit of the video from the April 24, 2015 forum:
Chief Planner Roundtable - Mid Rise Building: Growing Toronto's Neighbourhoods (33:48)

If you think Leslieville needs to focus on raising the bar for future developments in the neighbourhood please help by clicking the Paypal button and donating today.


Video above is an edit of the 7 hour long Chief Planners Roundtable - Mid-Rise Buildings: Growing Toronto's Neighbourhoods - held a Toronto City Hall, Conference Room 1 on April 24 2015.

City of Toronto | Chief Planner Roundtable |


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