Sunday, September 27, 2015

How the LCC's work has paid off

The Leslieville Community Coalition Incorporated is incorporated as a not-for-profit, non-charity organization formed by Leslieville residents, business owners, and property owners in response to the concerns of the community to the proposed 1327-1339 Queen Street East development by Rockport Group. 

The LCC formed as a result of a community meeting called in March 2014 by Rockport Developments. The meeting was to introduce Rockport Groups proposal for a development at 1327-1339 Queen St. The push back from the community was palpable. Since this meeting the LCC has worked on getting the developer to adhere to the Mid-Rise Guidelines that are in place both to the west and to the east of this section of Queen Street in Leslieville. 

Since that time the LCC has:
 • Lobbied successfully to have a Heritage study done for the buildings slated for demolition. 

Lobbied successfully to have the city review City policy regarding laneway housing as it relates to the development. • Lobbied successfully for a Planning study to be implemented to create meaningful guidelines for development in the area. 

Lobbied successfully to have a working group comprised of Leslieville community representatives and Toronto City Planning convened to review the application. 

Lobbied successfully to have the City of Toronto Transportation Services review: The Transportation impacts of potential change and growth of the Leslie Street Coxwell Avenue Planning Study that is underway, and the Urban Transportation Consideration Report, submitted by the applicant, taking into account all recent changes to the transportation and transit network. 

Invested in an independent evaluation by a registered planner of the developer’s proposal

Informed and updated residents about the development by creating a Blog, Facebook page and website. 

Incorporated as an organization to qualify as a party, gaining full participation status, at the Ontario Municipal Board.

Retained legal counsel as well as the services of a registered planner and an architect. 

Organized an additional community meeting to update residents on the status of the application. 

Organized three one-on-one meetings with the developer to create a dialogue regarding the application. • Provided the developer and his architect with architectural drawings to show an acceptable alternative proposal for the neighbourhood. 

Organized several meetings with Ward 30 and 32 City Councillors regarding the proposal. 

Created a campaign including the distribution of lawn signs, and organized community fundraisers to pay for the costs involved in the OMB appeal process. 

Reached out to other neighbourhood associations with similar interests. 

Participated in the OMB mediation process as a full Party with the City staff and the developer. 

 To continue to work towards responsible development We Need Your Vision.  Become a visionary today! Invest in the future of Leslieville.  Call 416-461-6417. 

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