Monday, November 14, 2016

Update from the City of Toronto as of November 2016 regarding Rockport's proposed 25.8 metre high development of 1327-1339 Queen St. East

From Matthew Longo, Solicitor, Planning & Administrative Tribunal Law, City of Toronto Legal Services

With respect to the site plan application, the developer submitted further refinements in late September. As always, the new material was posted on the City’s Development Application portal. You can review the material at the following link (click “supporting documentation”), Development Applications 1327 Queen St. East 
 and in particular the “cover letter” document explains the latest revisions and responses: 

The City has not yet crafted the site plan approval conditions. We will circulate them for your information when they are to be provided to the developer. The form of the zoning by-law has also not been finalized. 

The LCC also asked Mr. Longo about an application that Rockport, the now owner of 1327 Queen Street East, had submitted for a permit to injure a tree located at 73 Laing St. 

The City stated that it is going to grant the permit, on the basis that as long as the tree is injured in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit, then the relevant by-law will not be breached. However, the City has advised the owner of 1327 Queen Street (Rockport) that they are not authorized to injure the tree without the owner’s of 73 Laing Streets consent, and they have put the onus on Rockport, the owner of 1327 Queen Street to resolve any property disputes. 

The concern being that Rockport, the owner of 1327 Queen Street, goes ahead and injures the tree as soon as it gets the permit. In response to voicing that concern Mr. Longo advised that " It would, of course, be wise for the developer not to interfere with the rights of neighbouring landowners but the City does not become involved in such disputes."

To see the state of the proposed by-law to date click here then click on Supporting documentation and Draft Zoning By-law amendment.