Many of you will have already seen the very very large sign that the developer has erected announcing his Condo project at 1327-1339 Queen East.
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Ontario Municipal Board ruling on Rockport 1327-1339 Queen E, Front Page crop (click image to read .pdf) |
The OMB (decision link) has granted Rockport their appeal. One of the reasons cited was the following:
[58] Since the proposal now before the Board has come on the consent of the City, the Board draws the reasonable and inescapable inference that City Council is now satisfied that this proposal meets the requirements of OP policy
[59] The Board has no contrary evidence before it.
The lack of protest on the city’s part was deafening in its absence. The fact that the new Ashbridge Precinct guidelines are now in place is one of the few positive developments to have come out of this process. The only thing slowing down the ground-breaking ceremony for the development was cited in the report as follows:
01] At the request of Rockport, and with consent of the City and with the consent of LCC in the alternative, the Board withholds its order until it has received confirmation from the City Solicitor that:
1. the final form of the zoning by-law amendment is to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the City Solicitor, counsel to Rockport and counsel to LCC,
[102] At the request of the City, and with the consent of Rockport and with the consent of LCC in the alternative, the Board further withholds its order until has received confirmation from the City Solicitor that:
1. all site plan pre-approval conditions have been satisfied, and
2. approval has been granted for the demolition of the existing buildings on the site, as set out in the decision of the City Council on December 9, 2015.
“Susan de Avellar Schiller”
Thanks to all of you for your support. The LCC will be running an ad in the Beach Mirror to thank all of you who stepped up to the plate to help us to pay for our Legal representation at the hearing. We are still out of pocket so any additional donations would be greatly appreciated. If there are any other developments we will keep you posted. It’s been an interesting few years (yes few! this process started in 2013) and we’ve learned a great deal. We can only hope that the next development will actually implement the recommendations made in the new Ashbridge Precinct guidelines so that we can have a project to be proud to stand behind.
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