Friday, February 5, 2016

And now we wait

The OMB hearing for 1327-1339 Queen St. East lasted two and a half days and was adjourned at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday Jan 27 after final summaries by the lawyers for Rockport and the LCC. Susan De Avellar Schiller, the adjudicating Board Member, stated that she was reserving her decision for a written statement and she did not provide a timeline as to when that might reasonably be expected. As to placing your bets, it’s anyone’s guess as to which way it will go.

The most important thing to remember is that we have made a difference just by being there regardless, and that there are now guidelines for the area - Ashbridge Precinct - that were voted on by City Council on Wednesday February 3  Agenda item link   and they are being made an amendment to the Official Plan. Stay tuned for the the decision. We’ll keep you posted.

Also we are still trying to raise the funds necessary to pay our bills so please donate if you can.