LCC update re 1327-1339 Queen east application –
Rockport submitted yet one more set of drawings to the city which can be seen at in the section marked Supporting Documentation.
The new elements are dated November 26, 2015. From that area (on the city website) you should access the PDF for the “linked technical report”Supporting documentation Linked technical report. It shows the new design. If you go to the architectural rendering document and open it you will see that they call it seven-storeys plus penthouse.
Sadly, the height has not changed and the Mechanical Penthouse is wrapped at 100% which literally provides a two-storey penthouse level above the 20m mark. The townhouse units have garages with Memory Lane access but no connection to the now one-level parking garage and so although they continue to be represented as one development, it looks more and more like two separate pieces, one being a townhouse development on Memory Lane.
City Planning: has capitulated. Leontine Major, the Planner on this file provided the links to the information featured below Thursday December 10th
Below is the link to the report that is on the City Council agenda:
and the Motion to introduce it:
The Motion to approve this 25.8m high development that is completely occupied above the 20m level was moved by Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon and seconded by Councillor Mike Layton. This motion was without notice and did not appear on the City Council agenda of December 9, 2015
If you don’t have time to download it, the basic problem is that City Planning presented a nine-storey building which includes a two-storey wrapped mechanical above the 20m mark to City Council for a vote. Although Planning states that the building height has been lowered it was not – the developer merely dropped the mechanical into the top two storeys. They argued that it presents as six-storey massing from Queen Street East because of deep step back of upper two-storeys.
No matter how they present it, it’s still 5.8 meters higher than the Mid-Rise Guidelines and 5.8 metres higher than any developments found on Queen East. It’s our belief that the mechanical penthouse should be just that, a mechanical penthouse and that no additional housing units should be permitted around the mechanical penthouse.
Leslieville Community Coalition: We’re moving toward the OMB hearing with the LCC’s lawyer and expert witnesses, gathering all the necessary components, information and documentation. The hearing is scheduled for January 25th.
Our fundraising efforts continue so if you can help please do by going to the website and contributing via the PAYPAL button or email us and we’ll advise other methods of payment. Any amount can help because this precedent setting development will be fought at the OMB only by the LCC.
In this instance, the City Planners have recommended a development that goes against the guidelines, goes against the community’s wishes and goes against the 20m building height, a height which has been almost uniformly respected from one end of Queen East to the other.
We have lawn signs available for free – please come and pick one up with a frame from GADABOUT 1300 Queen St. East. It’s great way to show Community support and gather momentum for the run up to the hearing after Christmas.
In a short while we’ll let you know how you can help us get ready for the OMB hearing. Below is an list of sites identified by Rockport for future projects. Two of them are listed at 8 and 7 storeys which probably means higher than that. This is why the LCC is continuing to oppose the height. Right now there is nothing to the east nor to the west of this proposal that will match it. If it goes through unchanged there soon will be.
Thank you again for your support!
Victoria Dinnick for the LCC
Soft sites identified by Rockport and proposed heights. Extract from the:
A total of 4 candidate sites (’soft sites’) were identified, as follows:
Soft Site 1 (1285-1305 Queen):
158 units, 119 stalls, 8 storeys, 13,300 square metres of GFA
Soft Site 2 (1341-1347 Queen):
56 units, 42 stalls, 7 storeys, 4,650 square metres of GFA
Project No.: 13042
October 2015 Page 15
Rockport (Queen & Leslie) Inc.
1327 – 1339 Queen Street East
Soft Site 3 (1270-1286 Queen):
35 units, 27 stalls, 6 storeys, 2,900 square metres of GFA
Soft Site 4 (1249-1251 Queen):
20 units, 18 stalls, 6 storeys, 3,319.3 square metres of GFA (proposed application,
Neilas Developments)
There is existing municipal infrastructure consisting of storm sewers, sanitary sewers, combined sewers, watermains, and various utilities adjacent to the four future development soft sites on Queen Street East, Refer to Figure 6 for the segment plan. This existing municipal infrastructure can be extended to service the development of the soft sites.