Tuesday, April 28, 2015

NRU Publishing - April 23, 2015 | City To Fight Mid-Rise

From NRU Publishing (subscriber only - web images copied from subscriber's account) - written by nru on April 23, 2015 in NRU Toronto: http://www.nrupublishing.com/2015/04/23/city-to-fight-mid-rise/

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Sunday, April 26, 2015

CATHERINE NASMITH TALK: Main Streets as Old Growth Forest

Your invited to a Confederation of Resident and Ratepayer Associations in Toronto (CORRA) SPECIAL MEETING with speaker, CATHERINE NASMITH entitled, "Main Streets as Old Growth Forest"

  Ad poster image by Architectural Conservancy of Ontario for a public lecture by Architect Catherine Nasmith at Gladstone Library, January 20, 2015 entitled, "Main Street as Old Growth Forest".

MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
180 Shaw Street Toronto, ON
M6J 2W5
(Ossington Neighbourhood – Shaw & Queen)

Topic: MAIN STREET AS OLD GROWTH FOREST uses analogies from the environmental conservation and the ecology movements to describe the value of our rapidly disappearing Main Streets with regard to their types, states, complexity, diversity and other attributes. Main Streets that are still the retail core of their communities (steady state) are compared to those in decline or rehabilitated through preservation.

Presenter: Catherine Nasmith is a practicing architect; President of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, ACO Toronto Branch; Jane Jacobs Winner (2010); and publisher of Built Heritage News. She has been observing main streets since the 1980s.

Please join us for this special meeting by confirming your attendance to corratoronto@gmail.com as space is limited.

Via Bay Cloverhill Community Association > Events > Confederation of Resident and Ratepayer Associations Notice - April 22, 2015 | http://baycloverhill.com/index.php/events/329-confederation-of-resident-and-ratepayer-associations-notice

Catherine Nasmith Architect | http://www.cnarchitect.ca/index.php


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Urban Design Guideline consultation: Queen Street - Leslie to Coxwell

East-end residents are invited to attend a public consultation on urban design guidelines for Queen Street East from Leslie Street to Coxwell Avenue.

The community workshop will take place Tuesday, April 21 from 7:00 to 9 p.m. at S.H. Armstrong Community Centre, 56 Woodfield Rd., just north of Queen Street East. An open house will run from 6:30 to 7 p.m.

During the meeting, those in attendance will have the opportunity to learn more about Toronto City Council directive to the City Planning Division to determine if either the existing Urban Design Guidelines for Queen Street East or the Leslieville Urban Design Guidelines should be extended to this portion of Queen Street East.

People can also ask questions and comment on key issues and opportunities within the study area.

The city will be holding two community meetings on this study.

The outcome of these consultations will help to guide and support vibrant, high-quality, and mixed-use development in the area.

For more information, contact City Planner Kelly Jones at kjones2@toronto.ca or 416-392-4293.

People can also contact Councillor Paula Fletcher at 416-392-4060 or Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon at 416-392-1376 for more details.

Image via City of Toronto > Community Planning > Toronto and East York District > Queen Street East (Leslie Street to Coxwell Avenue) Study - Ward 30 & 32 | https://www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=13273bb05e41c410VgnVCM10000071d60f89RCRD&vgnextchannel=4b4452cc66061410VgnVCM10000071d60f89RCRD


Monday, April 13, 2015

Reminder: Tomorrow - Tuesday, April 14 - City Planning will submit a “Request for Direction” Report at Toronto & East York Community Council

Reminder: Tomorrow morning Tuesday, April 14 City Planning will be submitting its “request for Direction” report for approval to the Toronto / East York Community Council. It is scheduled for the morning - item 12 around 10:30. The Council is expected to approve the report which asks for changes from the developer and a number of steering committee members for the Leslieville Community Coalition Wards 30 & 32 (a.k.a. LCC/formerly ETCC) are going to give our support to the approval process. We are also going to ask for certain areas of the report to be reviewed/modified prior to it going to the OMB. The item # is TE5.12 at 10:30

We’ve been advised that it’s important to have a number of bums in seats at TEYCC.

Although Planning is recommending that their report be approved it’s possible that if there isn’t a solid vote at Community Council this round, when it gets to the full Council on May 5th, it could go off the tracks. We are asking that if you could be free, that you stand with us. It’s possible that if we do not show community support we could come across as weak and NIMBY.

We thank you for your voices in opposing this development and supporting

Good Urban Design in Leslieville!

AGENDA: Carol Deacon will be deputing on the rental housing issue, we will present a position on the proposed laneway housing, Dennis Findlay will be speaking about the proposal's impacts as a whole, and we are working to have someone from Knox speaking to the traffic issues.

Peter Tabuns, MPP (Toronto-Danforth)  has agreed to submit a letter to Community Council. His schedule doesn’t allow for him to be there in person.

Thanks again for your support, and hope to see you at City Hall, Second Floor, Committee Rm 1.


Sunday, April 12, 2015

CITY HALL ATTENDANCE REQUEST!! - TUESDAY, 10:30 am Committee Rm 1, 2nd Floor.

This coming Tuesday –April 14 City Planning will be submitting its “request for Direction” report for approval to the Toronto / East York Community Council. It is scheduled for the morning - item 12 around 10:30. The Council is expected to approve the report which asks for changes from the developer and a number of steering committee members for the Leslieville Community Coalition Wards 30 & 32 (a.k.a. LCC/formerly ETCC) are going to give our support to the approval process. We are also going to ask for certain areas of the report to be reviewed/modified prior to it going to the OMB. The item # is TE5.12 at 10:30

We’ve been advised that it’s important to have a number of bums in seats at TEYCC.

Although Planning is recommending that their report be approved it’s possible that if there isn’t a solid vote at Community Council this round, when it gets to the full Council on May 5th, it could go off the tracks. We are asking that if you could be free, that you stand with us. It’s possible that if we do not show community support we could come across as weak and NIMBY.

We thank you for your voices in opposing this development and supporting
Good Urban Design in Leslieville!

AGENDACarol Deacon will be deputing on the rental housing issue, we will present a position on the proposed laneway housing, Dennis Findlay will be speaking about the proposal's impacts as a whole, and we are working to have someone from Knox speaking to the traffic issues.

Peter Tabuns has agreed to submit a letter to Community Council. His schedule doesn’t allow for him to be there in person.

Thanks again for your support, and hope to see you at City Hall, Second Floor, Committee Rm 1.
